DIY Painted Deer Head on Canvas

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When I first moved into my new apartment, I bought all my furniture new so I had no money left for decorations. I really wanted a deer head, not a taxidermied one but a faux one. But they costed somewhere in the $200 range and I didn’t have that kind of budget to splurge. I decided to make my own. Pinterest became my best friend. I found a board with some really good DIY tutorials (here), and decided to paint one on a canvas.

I went to Michael’s to buy a cheap starter canvas (or you can buy them here) and borrowed some acrylic paint from my sister.

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Here’s what you need:

  • canvas (any size bigger than 8×10)
  • acrylic paint
  • paint brush
  • 8×10 adhesive shipping label

Step 1: Print out a silhouette of a deer head on a 8×10 adhesive shipping label. Cut the outline of the deer head, leaving a hollow on the shipping label.

Step 2: Stick adhesive label on canvas.

Step 3: Paint over the hollow.

Step 4: Remove adhesive label and let the canvas dry.

Caution: Lay down the canvas horizontally to dry, otherwise the ink will drip down.

Total cost: less than $10

Not to mention this was my first time painting.

Difficulty level: extremely easy.

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