How I Saved $700 a Year on my Cell Phone Bills

I always thought it was ridiculous how much I paid for my cell phone plan and how much I actually used. I’m not an early adopter by any means, if anything, I’m a late majority. I don’t buy everything new and right when they come out. I base my purchases on actual value – what I get out of the amount I pay.

I definitely didn’t get the full value out of what I paid for my family cell phone plan. We had a grandfathered T-Mobile family plan. Here’s my cost break down:

T-Mobile Tracfone
Minutes Unlimited (I used <200 a month) 600 every 3 months
Texts 500/mo 600 every 3 months
Data 0 MB/mo 600 MB every 3 months
Cost per line $30/mo $31.99 every three months OR $10.66/mo

Before I switched to Tracfone, I thought it was some shady phone company that required you to use one of those old-schooled flip phones. But after I did my research, they let you BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and use your iphone and Andriod smartphones. Not only that, you can keep your existing phone number too. I was sold!

Here’s how Tracfone works:

Unlike traditional cell phone carriers, you don’t sign any contract with Tracfone. It’s pay-as-you-go. You buy a Tracfone card (available at most grocery stores), load it to your account, repeat every 3 months.

I bought a new Andriod phone on ebay for $80 (now only $60) that included a 200-minute card. Here’s the interesting part, most smartphones, including mine, had life-time triple minutes/texts/data. If I added 200 minutes/texts/data to my account, I get 600 minutes/texts/data. However, the 600 is per 90 days, not per month. But it’s sufficient for my usage.

You can buy different increments of minutes/texts/data per 90 days:

minutes/texts/data cost per 90 days
450 $79.99
200 $39.99 (I pay $31.99 on ebay)
120 $29.99
60 $19.99

What I love about Tracfone is that any unused minutes, texts, and data can be rolled over to the next month.

Another thing I love, that I recently found out, is that you can call internationally and your minutes are deducted the same as any other local call.

The Saving

T-Mobile: $30 per line x 3 lines = $90 a month

If I stayed with T-Mobile, I would pay $1080 a year.

Tracfone: $31.99 per line per 3 months x 3 lines = $31.99 a month

If I switched to Tracfone, I would pay $383.88 a year.

My total annual saving comes to $696.12.

My only regret is that I didn’t switch earlier.

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