Photo Report: China for 2 Weeks

Since I moved to the states over 10 years ago, I’ve wondered how things have changed over the course of a decade. I decided to pull the plug and pay my family a visit. I booked my sister and I tickets to Guang Zhou, China (3 hours flight south of Beijing,) for 2 weeks during her Christmas break.

We thoroughly loved the food and sight-seeing. We made a lot of great memories with my dad and cousins. Though my biggest pet peeve was the slow Internet. We took advantage of the public wifi from a store next to where we stayed. It didn’t come as a surprise that all of the social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) were blocked by the great firewall of China. Not only that, none of the Google services were accessible. That meant that I was not able to check my wedding photography work email. The way I got around it was to use TeamViewer to remotely control my laptop in Boston. Alternatively, I could use VPNs but I didn’t know what they were until I was already in China.

China 2015-5014
Canton Tower overlooking Guang Zhou

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China 2015-5319
We visited a temple near our house.
China 2015-5309
Inside the temple
China 2015-5314
We quickly left the temple before anyone kicked us out for taking pictures.
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Beijing Lu shopping district
China 2015-5339
Could this be winter? The flowers were blooming.
Photo Jan 07, 2 45 47 AM
Cousins reunited

2 China 2015-5110

China 2015-5127

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